QIC considered various master planning redevelopment options and to allow these to be undertaken Construction Control was engaged to deliver four sperate Enabling Works packages which totalled $74.6m. At the completion of the final enabling works package QIC had settled on the staging of the major development. To that end Construction Control was engaged to deliver the Stage 3A Retail Expansion Project was the first of two major Stages in the over Retail redevelopment of the Centre. The Stage 3A project consisted of a new Pedestrian Tunnel connection to the new Castle Hill Metro Station, a conversion of an existing Carpark to Retail and 50 new Mini Major and Speciality Tenancies, full internal finishes upgrade as well as an upgrade to the existing open area Piazza. The works to the Piazza also included a full finished upgrade as well as a ETFE roof ad large lighting and landscaping package.
The challenges with the Stage 3A project were the fact that all works were being undertaken throughout an existing and live Shopping Centre/Retail Precinct. Existing tenants remained trading with a lot of works completed at night and out of normal trading hours. Daily planning and working with Centre Management and the wider client team was critical in the success of the project.